Gjonaj Group Holdings

Message from the Chairman


Dear Partners, Collaborators, Colleagues,

I welcome you to Gjonaj Group Holdings!

Gjonaj Group proudly operates internationally as an Albanian business corporation with Headquarters in Tirana. We started this journey, almost 15 years ago, with the desire to do business and bring new standards to Albania and the Balkans.

Now, we are present with our established companies and offices in thirteen countries and with our operations in fifty countries worldwide. We took the strength from our country and found the eco internationally. Nearly 90 % of our business operations are international and on a B2B level.

With our vision, the mission remains the same: bring the best to the customer; do it right and do it on time. Many, still see the Western Balkans as a region of imports and not exports. We showed the contrary! Who would have thought that companies from this region would initiate and maintain business operations in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, or the Americas?

Our journey started with telecommunications, the main pillar of our group. We grew together and diversified our business into professional marketing services, energy distribution and production, real estate, property management, and hospitality. More recently, we focused also on the export and wholesale of high-quality fruits and vegetables in Europe.

As we continue to expand, I am proud of what our teams have achieved at INFOTelecom, Enertrade, Promarketing, Digicom, Probroker, Top Fruits, Lake Drive, and Mactal. Giving special importance to qualified human resources and an employee-oriented management approach, we stick to our economic, environmental, and social sustainability goals in all our business operations.

And, as Thomas Watson once said: “To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart.” 


Marin Gjonaj